Monday 20 December 2010

How to loss fat

Weight loss of course depends on many factors, particularly dietary factors, exercise, body's response to fat burning activities as well as its individual genetic. Simple concept that is Eat Right, Right Workout. Only the implementation is difficult, especially when it comes to motivation, discipline, and consistency to make it happen.

You should set a healthy diet with the intake amount of calories and nutrients that are true and correct, and not reduce the number and frequency of daily meals that will make our bodies become weak, lose your mood and make the hormone insulin (a hormone that instructs the body to store energy reserves by forming sel2 new fat) in our body becomes unstable. Proper diet to lower percentage of body fat and increase muscle mass while tightening is by eating healthy foods 5-6 times a day with small portions to moderate (stop eating before satiety is reached). Proper diet requires that people often eat it, namely by dividing the number of servings of foods with a few thousand calories per day are commonly eaten meals a day to 5-6. The purpose of eating more often in smaller portions is for the body's metabolism becomes more active throughout the day, whereas insulin levels will be stable, not up and down drastically due to rarely eat, so do not make the body tends to store fat. Many people also recommend reducing the daily amount of food that is generally in the form of reduced carbohydrate or often called low-carbohydrate diet. Well, if the amount of food from the source instead of carbohydrates is reduced, then the body will gradually become weak, lose your endurance and fitness. So true it reduces the amount of food CALORIE, not reduce TOTAL / VOLUME our daily food. We can still eat frequently, but change the menu, especially food which is a source of carbohydrates earlier. Select and consumption of healthy menus, high fiber, slow absorption, filling, and at the same speed up your metabolism which will increase the burning of body fat. Try to choose different types of variety of healthy foods that have a low glycemic value-being. Comparison of the composition of an ideal and healthy diet between proteins, carbohydrates and fats for those who want to reduce levels of body fat and replace it with quality muscle mass is 50%: 40%: 10%. Carbohydrate consumed is distinguished glycemic value 'low - medium' for example brown rice, sweet potatoes, cassava, wheat bread, oatmeal or pasta, also kacang2's like peas, green beans, red beans; sayur2-an especially broccoli, carrots, sayur2 of beans and green such as collards, spinach, kale; buah2's with medium sweetness and high in fiber such as apples, papayas, tomatoes, pears, or star fruit. Eat high protein from meat such as beef has in / tenderloin / sirloin top low-fat (lean meat), skinless chicken breasts, skinless turkey breast, tuna, salmon, egg whites, tofu and "tempe", low-fat cottage cheese, etc.. So as much as possible do not eat white rice. Stop (or at least reduce as much as possible), sugar, fried foods, fatty foods bad (saturated fat) and makanan2 that is too sweet, salty and savory. Keep trying to eat foods that are boiled, steamed or baked alone. Use dietary sugar to taste if it still needs sugar. Drink non-fat milk on a regular basis, rather than low-fat milk. Calcium 1 gram per day of non-fat milk will help reduce your fat percentage after routine consumption for several months.

Before changing your diet with healthy foods, eat as usual and calculate how many calories you spend in a day, then weigh your body. Subtract about 500 calories per day and eat healthy food jenis2 as above and its variants, which are filling but low calorie and low-medium value its glycemic. For the portions to 5-6 times a meal, because each time you eat, your body will burn calories to digest the food you eat, your metabolism will be well maintained throughout the day. You can still eat after 7 pm, but give a distance of about 2 hours before you sleep. Remember, though slow, keep your metabolism going on when you sleep, so do not keep their distance too long (eg more than 2 hours) between your last meal at night to sleep. Sleeping in a state of hunger stomach it will make the insulin the body into the drop, so that it will disrupt the body's metabolism is already working well structured from morning until night. Prompts should not have dinner on 7 pm because the activity is reduced so easy to accumulate body fat is mistaken, unless you have a habit of early to bed around 9 pm. So selecting the right diet at night will only make the body become leaner, not hoard fat. So forget the myths should not eat after 7 pm tonight because of the need to be adjusted is the food menu or what to eat and not fixated on at night. For example, I'm sure if the dinner menu is a plate of boiled broccoli, salmon that contains lots of Omega 3 fatty acids and a glass of non-fat milk, then it will decrease body fat and weight will fall. The reason, eating broccoli will only make the body get rid of calories because it is very difficult to digest, while the calorie broccoli itself is very small, almost no meaning so that the food is often called a negative calorie food. Omega 3 fatty acid content is often found in sea-water fish such as salmon or tuna may reduce levels of the hormone leptin (obesity hormone) that would impede the process of fat storage, increase beta oxidation (fat burning) and metabolism. While the benefits of calcium on non-fat milk has been known to reduce levels of body fat and trigger the body's metabolism is regularly consumed at least 1 gram per day.

Eat fibrous fruits and vegetables in your meal instead of 1-2 carb menu of staple food, plus drink non-fat milk. Weigh your body at the end of the week. Healthy body weight decrease and the maximum recommended by nutritionists is only 0.5 to 1 kg per week. More than that is not recommended. So ideally down little by little but healthy. If you do the diet correctly, maintain proper nutritional intake and regular exercise, then weight loss will happen is decreasing your body fat levels, where slowly but surely your body will become more lean and dense.

To burn body fat do cardio exercise such as low impact aerobics, jogging or running on the treadmill about 20 minutes after waking up before eating. The body will burn more fat after you wake up and do not consume apa2 except water. If you want to combine it with exercise load would be far better and more effective. You can do cardio exercise after weight training session is over for the most effective in burning body fat.

Highly recommended to drink distilled water (water without minerals, such as dew) about 500 ml - 1 liter after waking. Distilled water will help remove the piles of useless sisa2 minerals in the body. Drink 3-4 cups of green tea a day, especially after meals to help the body's metabolic processes. Try to drink 4 liters of water per day, and consume oxygen when the water is or after exercise to speed up the repair of damaged body cells.

Good Luck!

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